Thursday, December 31, 2009

JC Fire Fightin'...

@ Mr. Dickie's & Mrs. Joyce's in Charleston.
We made it!!! Happy New Year!!!


Gave up!

In route to Charleston

This is Jay watching his TV...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Now poor U~Max is in the baby doll stroller...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Poor U~Max...This pup has a rough life. She is in her doll's playpen & is tryin' to feed U~Max with her baby doll's bottle...We really should have named this pup Lucky...

Though it's been a while...

I hope everyone has had a very Merry Christmas!!  We did!  My Christmas was blessed in many ways!  Thank You Jesus!!  We were able to celebrate Jesus' birthday with most of our family...Except for my folks in Oklahoma and Washington. 

I am going to post a few pictures to share with you...

Talk about a wild ride...What was Santa thinkin'?  Jaycee & The Moorhead Twins 'Gettn'r Done' on their Big Green Tractors!!

Jaycee Lynn Playin' Dora Candy Land with her Great Aunt Annie Lee

Jaybird waiting patiently to open his presents

Want a M&M?

Jay Cheesin' after getting his heelies

Jaycee trying to figure out her new 3 Wheeler

Jaycee, Madison, U-Max(the dog) & Jay Christmas 2009

Jay and Madison

Just chillin'

This Picture was almost impossible...this one was the best out of about 30 or so shots. Hehehehe

Madison Jenise...My beautiful Niece

These are just a few of lots and lots! Go figure right. ((user winkin')) I hope to post more soon!  Santa came through and the kids got exactly what they asked for.  Jay got a new bunkbed and Jaycee got her Big Green Tractor. Christmas morning was GREAT @ my house.  Thank You Jesus!
We are trying to get back to normal around's a slow going process.  Jason is working down in Charleston SC.  ((Has been for about 2 months now))  He has come home a few times though we really miss him.  It's not the same without Daddy.  He was home for the Holidays.  Thank You Jesus!  The kids and I are going to make the trip down there and spend the weekend with him & Celebrate the New Year.  Thank You Jesus! Please pray for our safe travel.  The kids are so excited. 

Speaking of prayers...THANK YOU JESUS for your answered prayers...Josiah Wilson ( was able to go HOME today for the very first time in his 222 days of life.  I can't even begin to imagine the emotional roller coaster this family must be on.  Please say a little prayer for them.  They have become very special people in my life...even though it's only through their website & blogs...Their story is so inspirational.  Their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and their testimony is amazing. As you know from previous post, I met this family through my friends, The Moore Family, who I love and miss dearly.  They are doing great as well, and Addison is still going strong.  She is on her way to conquerin' the crawl. Way to go Rocky!  Thank You Jesus! 

Well unfortunately it is getting late and I need to get to bed...I hope you all have sweet dreams and a blessed week!  As always keep all those unspoken/special prayer request uplifted.  Jesus you know mine!! :)

*God is Good*
Thank You Jesus

Hangin' with my munchkin...